Saturday, October 31

Marketing via Social Networks

Social Networks are the biggest asset for marketers, online firms, entrepreneurs and online agencies. Research shows that the Y-Generation does not rely on the traditional norms of marketing. Print media, billboard advertisements and even newspapers have lost their charm and fail to deliver.
Social Networks is the name given to websites/platforms which work on the basic principle of Connect, Share and Socialize. Social sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Twitter etc have huge user base and marketers now aim to use this to their advantage.
Marketing your product, services or company on any such platform is essential to maintain and promote your online presence. The advantages of marketing on social networks are many of which some are:
• Better reach and interaction
• Targeted audience
• Viral communication
• Real time feedback
• Cost effective
Companies that have made used of social networks for marketing purpose are immensely benefiting from it and are literally making millions. The viral features and engagement offered by these networks can do wonders if put to effective use. The growth of social networks has just begun and if your marketing strategy is lagging and not producing results then it’s surely missing a trick.

Friday, October 30

iphone Apps- The triple E formula for your business’ magnificent Growth

iphone Apps- The triple E formula for your business’ magnificent Growth
What clicks in your mind when you hear of iphone apps? How does it sound? Something electrifying, entertaining and exciting? If you are nodding your head with the positive gesture and are well aware of the magic of triple E, then you already have realized the significance of iphone apps in the fast-tech era. You will find that iphone is pulling almost every field of life into its magical aura. No matter if you are a music lover or a musician by self, sell ice-creams or indulged into gaming zone, you always find a way to promote your business in a very attractive way, which is through iphone apps. Over 60,000 applications have been downloaded that verifies its success ratio.
Its additional features and functionalities are confirmed to be its victory factor. Easy to use, interactive and very much interesting. Iphone apps are actually giving a pushing-hand to business, be they are small sized or medium, there are options available for every business size and field.
Iphone apps make an easy connection of business and customers and they can be targeted after in-depth-research by the iphone apps developer. Investing in iphone apps will give you highest return, beyond your imagination. People, these days are too much becoming tech-oriented and surely will like to be tempted by these apps. They are usually games, music and often customized apps supporting particular brand or service from a particular company.

Thursday, October 29

iPhone Apps Development

The iPhone craze is raging higher and higher. 7.4 million iPhones sold out by Q4, 2009. Millions of iPhone apps are being downloaded which are a billion dollars in sales, while the development is in its infancy phase. All in all, there is a lot more to go because the iPhone fever is just the beginning.
iPhone has been observed to be the most popular Smartphone amongst the rest. How are the apps on the 3G gizmo effective in making billions for businesses; let’s find out:
• Promoting your businesses amongst millions.
• Giving your products & services an extra mile to penetrate into the crowded market.
• Maximizing your targeted reach.
• Captivating millions of users through viral tech.
• Involving your potential prospects into your business in a very persuasive manner.
• Boosting up your sales bucket.
• Keeping your customers updated with the latest tech and trend.
• Giving value added services to the consumers.
• Bouncing back your investment with greater returns.
The iPhone is in its very early stages and emerging at very swift pace. Whether you are a music maker, sell garments or offer financial services; you can always ignite your business with the iPhone fire, because its flames go higher. is one of the best application development company and offers excellent iPhone Applications development services from expert and professional applications developer.

Tuesday, October 20

Facebook – How to Promote Your Business?

Social media and social networks are the latest means of marketing your product and promoting your business. When it comes to social networks, no one comes even close to Facebook. The global leader of social sites, Facebook has currently 300 million registered users and is home to over 350k applications.
Facebook is a vital tool for marketing and promoting your product, a lot of features are available on the platform which supplement to this cause.

Groups are a very powerful feature which can be used to communicate and interact with your clients, customers and targeted audience. You can create a group for your company or product and then send notifications to all your members! This is really helpful especially if you are looking to promote a new service or product. You can also post topics and ask for client reviews on certain products.

Fan Pages:
Fan Pages can be safely termed as single page websites! The main advantage of a fan page is that it is public and can be viewed without connecting to Facebook. You can advertise your products, add images, videos etc in short it is a great way of reaching to your fans and clients.

If you were wondering when the monetization part will kick in, it is now. Applications are till date the biggest success of Facebook. As mentioned above the social networking giants are home to over 350,000 applications which range from gaming apps to photo editors, sharing, fun, knowledge and every other thing imaginable. These applications are not only a great way to establish your brand reputation but also a sound investment which returns with upgraded monetary benefits.
Facebook Guru is a Facebook Application Development Company that deals in application development for Facebook and other such social networks. For more details visit our website

Saturday, October 10


Social Networking is quickly increasing as more and more people are switching to social sites. Today every social site provides its visitors with applications which are in a way decide the success of the network as a whole. These social networking applications cover a wide range and are used in not only providing entertainment but also as marketing tool. E-marketing strategists are now turning towards these applications to monetize their ideas, promote products/brands and establish their company name. Some corporate giants have gone as far as running fully loaded campaigns via social networking applications.
These applications are fast and result oreinted because they provide maximum reach and user engagement, once the application is popular among a particular network it generates a viral effect and angaging literally millions of users. More the users of an application more are the chances of converting one in to a customer.
There are a number of applications that are developed but the most successful applications are all “gaming applications”. This is because gaming applications are more engaging and provide more room for innovation.
From entertainment to revenue generation social networking applications are important for all such business that desire to keep ahead in the competitive market scenario.